Soil Sampling, CA-CCO-647

2x2 Test Unit, CA-CCO-647

Soil Recordation, CA-CCO-647

Feature 10, CA-CCO-647

Field Crew, CA-CCO-647

Monitoring, CA-CCo-647
Field Crew, CA-CCO-647
Monitoring, CA-CCO-647

Obsidian Projectile Point & Bone Tube
Obsidian Projectile Point, CA-CCO-647

Shell Pendants, -CCO-647

Smoking Tube, CA-CCO-647
Monitoring, CA-CCO-647
Field Crew, CA-CCO-647

1x1 Test Unit, CA-CCO-647

Granite Bowl Mortar, CA-MNT-17

Granite Pestle, San Mateo Co.

Drawings of Shell Beads, Pendants, and Whistles, Santa Clara Co.

Bedrock Mortars, Santa Clara Co.

Bone Awl, San Mateo Co.

Hearth, CA-SMA-83

Hearth, CA-SMA-266

Pictograph, CA-KER-15 Feature A Kern Co.

Petroglyph, CA-KER-25 Feature A Kern Co.

BRMs, CA-KER-681 Features A & B Kern Co.

BRMs, CA-KER-425 Feature I Kern Co.

1x1 Test Unit, San Mateo Co.

Soil Recordation, San Mateo Co.
Soil Recordation, San Mateo Co.

Historic Foundation former San Jose Electric Light Co. (ca. 1880-1920)
Historic Foundation former San Jose Electric Co. (ca. 1880-1920)

Historic Wall former San Jose Electric Light Co. (ca. 1880-1920)

Retort, New Almaden Mine Vicinity, Santa Clara Co.

Historic Coffin Burial, CA-SFR-126/H (ca. 1850)

Ceramic Doll Head, San Jose

Historic Bottles, San Jose

Gold Dental Bridge, CA-SFR-126/H (ca.1850) Asian Art Museum, City and County of San Francisco

Historic Structure, CA-KER-685H Kern Co.

Historic Farm Equipment, Lake Co.